What's new in Google Bard AI?

Google Bard AI updates 2024
What's new in Google Bard AI?

Google’s Bard AI has been updated with several new features in 2024:

Gemini Pro Update: Google announced that its Bard chatbot is now powered by the Gemini Pro model globally, supporting more than 40 languages. This update improves Bard’s ability to understand, summarize content, reason, brainstorm, write, and plan 2. Image Generation Support: Bard now supports image generation through the Imagen 2 model. Users can type a query like “create an image of a futuristic car” in the chatbot interface 2. Integration with Google Messages: Bard AI has been integrated with Google Messages, potentially enhancing the messaging experience by facilitating communication, enhancing creativity, and providing information 3. **Privacy Considerations: **Bard may ask to analyze your messages to understand the context of your conversations, your tone, and your interests. This could raise privacy concerns, especially considering that these messages will be sent to the cloud for processing 3. Assistant with Bard (AWB): Google’s solution for using Bard on mobile devices is Assistant with Bard (AWB) on Android and iOS. It’s built into the Google app and can be invoked on top of any app/task 1. These updates reflect Google’s commitment to enhancing Bard’s capabilities and integrating it more seamlessly into its suite of products and services.